A Thanksgiving Treat with Vermont Nut Free Chocolates

IMG_7827I remember the first time I heard about Vermont Nut Free Chocolates. My mom was exhilarated that she had found them and ordered chocolates as a Valentine’s Day surprise. I was a freshman in high school and we had never seen anything like it. To have a guarantee that no nuts were present in high quality chocolate was unheard of. I have been a Vermont Nut Free Chocolates enthusiast ever since!

Growing up I was used to having very specific sweets. There were the few packaged chocolates we trusted, like regular size milk chocolate Hershey’s bars and kisses and Junior Mints at the movies. As I grew older though and understood that there was a difference in chocolate quality, it was disappointing to know the chocolate I generally could trust was not like the chocolate my friends or family may choose to eat.

The only place I had ever experienced high quality, gourmet chocolate before was on Nantucket Island. We had a house there and we would spend the majority of our weekends, especially in the spring and fall on island. It was always a special treat to get a truffle at the chocolate shop. At that time, liability had not been a huge concern in the industry. People either genuinely wanted to help or just didn’t understand food allergies. Fortunately for me, this chocolate shop wanted to try to accommodate my allergies and could provide me with a few safe gourmet milk and dark chocolate truffles when I would visit.  I finally understood the difference firsthand.

When I tasted Vermont Nut Free chocolates that first time, I knew it was special! Not only did I not have to worry about peanuts and tree nuts, but there was no concern of cross-contamination and they had different varieties of chocolate I couldn’t find anywhere else safely. I especially loved their crispy chocolate.  I had to re-read the ingredients twice before I tried it the first time.  I wasn’t used to eating anything that resembled small rice bubbles in milk chocolate. Of course, there was no reason to be concerned, but for someone who doesn’t eat anything like that, it was pretty exceptional!

Vermont Nut Free Chocolates was created by a food allergy mom named Gail Elvidge who started making safe chocolates for her peanut-allergic son.  I met her husband, Mark Elvidge, President and CEO of Vermont Nut Free Chocolates, at the Asthma and Allergy Network Summit last month. I enthusiastically stuck out my hand to introduce myself as one of his biggest fans!

A few weeks ago, a box from Vermont Nut Free Chocolates arrived on my doorstep filled with Thanksgiving products to taste. I was delighted! It contained the following delicious goodies:IMG_7902

  • Thanksgiving Turkeys – It wouldn’t be a holiday without the main festival symbol made out of chocolate!  If I were hosting Thanksgiving, I would definitely get some of these milk chocolate turkeys to have around on Thanksgiving day!  Why not?  Peanut/tree nut safe and creamy milk chocolate.  Smile.


  • IMG_7881 Thanksgiving Miniatures – These mouthwatering little chocolates are perfect to have around the house for munching on over the course of Thanksgiving day.  They are snack sized and individually wrapped in festive fall colors. I tried the dark chocolate, and although my taste palette often prefers milk, I still enjoyed every single one of the Mayflower ship, pilgrims, and cornucopia inspired shapes!  Yum!

  • IMG_7847Pumpkin Fudge – As much as I love, love, love milk chocolate, I appreciate other sweet tastes and textures.  This white chocolate pumpkin fudge I thoroughly enjoyed!  Its subtle spices, buttery, creamy melt-in-your mouth texture, with hints of cinnamon and vanilla, was rich, flavorful, and I had trouble refraining from devouring the entire box in one sitting!  Ooops, clearly I have a sweet tooth! ;)



  • Turkey Pops – These milk chocolate pops are fun to eat and could be an adorable place setting for the Thanksgiving table.  I would be thrilled to find a chocolate turkey by my plate, cutely wrapped with pumpkin colored ribbon!


If I could plan my day around these sweets (I know we don’t live in the world of Candy Land, but indulge me for a second), this is what I would do:

  • Begin my day with a cup of coffee and a few Thanksgiving Miniatures for breakfast.
  • As the morning progressed, I would unwrap a milk chocolate Thanksgiving Turkey from the shiny autumn foil and let it melt in my mouth as I watched the Thanksgiving Day Parade.
  • Around noon I would be ready for a few sweet bites of Pumpkin Fudge and a nice hot cup of tea.
  •  I would then save my Turkey Pop for in between the big meal and dessert.

That sounds pretty sweet, right? Haha ;)

No matter how you celebrate Thanksgiving, or any other celebration, it is always nice to know you can find scrumptious, gourmet sweet treats that are safe from peanuts and tree nuts.  I know how significant it was for me to find this and I have no doubt your allergic reactor would agree!  I enthusiastically recommend a Thanksgiving treat with Vermont Nut Free Chocolates!


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