French Experiences On a recent family vacation to France, there were a few food encounters that I found interesting. I tried to write down my daily food encounters on the trip. Here are my notes: The first night I arrived in Cannes with my family, we decided to go out […]
My Paris Eating Adventures with Food Allergies
This past trip to Paris I had a much easier time. When I went with my family a few years ago, my Paris eating adventures with food allergies were troublesome and frustrating. No one wanted to serve me at restaurants. It was a bit of a nightmare! This time I […]
Eating With Food Allergies In Paris
The first night we arrived in Paris we were starving! I was on a trip with my family during the summer a few years ago. We had just arrived in Paris after traveling around Italy for a few weeks. Everyone in Italy had been fabulous about my allergies, so the […]