Moving to ITALY with Food Allergies

I came to a job decision!  I am moving to ITALY (even with food allergies).  I will teach at an international school there starting in the fall.  I’m thrilled for this new life adventure. Now that I have made this decision, it is only the beginning of all of the details I will need to figure out with my food allergies before I leave.  It is a country where I do not speak the language.  I will need to figure out how to get around language barriers and find allergy safe foods to eat. I have traveled to Italy before, but I will be living in an area I have never been to. I think it will be a great experience for personal growth as I navigate the unknown with my allergies. It will certainly be a test of my independence, and will be an even greater test of my ability to find food and adjust to a country where the first language isn’t English. This should be an interesting challenge! I will try to write more about my questions, concerns, and how the process is going soon.


  1. I would suggest allert cards, many are availible in multiple languages.

  2. The school children in Italy are so lucky! Follow your heart, sweetheart. Follow your dreams. You are your best guide. Trust in yourself and you will rise above all of life’s obstacles.
    Never met a “nut” that could stop you. It is a reality that your allergies make life more complicated and challenging but they won’t stop you from reaching for the stars.. You are an inspiration. You go girl!!!

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