Over the years with many travels and new experiences, I have learned some tips that might help other Allergic Reactors and their families:
- ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS carry your Epi-Pen! It is important to carry multiple ones, too! I carry at least two, and if I am traveling or in a more remote location, I carry three or four
- Keep your Epi-Pens in an insulated container so they don’t get too hot or cold
- Check that you have plenty of Benedryl with you at all times to carry with your Epi-Pens, and keep an eye on the expiration dates
- Make copies of a Chef Card (if traveling to a country that does not speak English, make copies in the other languages that are spoken there)
- If you have asthma, make sure you ALWAYS have your rescue inhaler! You never know when you will need it, even if you aren’t planning to exercise or be around an environmental trigger
- Plan ahead if possible (whether that means bringing food you can eat with you, eating before you go, or calling a restaurant ahead of time)