Traveling to Florence, Italy with food allergies is an excellent city to visit. As one of the most popular tourist cities in Italy, it is absolutely possible to have a safe and enjoyable experience.
Tag: Italy
Traveling With Food Allergies to Verona, Italy
Verona, Italy is known for its pasta dishes, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, and summer Operas in the Arena. Traveling with food allergies to Verona is something I have done numerous times and each visit is even more enjoyable than the last. Due to its proximity to Venice, it is often […]
Traveling to Italy with Food Allergies
Traveling to Italy with food allergies is often less daunting than people expect. I’ve helped hundreds of families and individuals travel there safely over the years. As many of you know, Italy is my European home after living there for years and it holds a special place in my traveling […]
Miss Allergic Reactor’s 10-Year Anniversary Post
It is official. I have been writing Miss Allergic Reactor for ten years! In honor of turning ten years old, I am going to do “Top Ten Lists” for my blog posts with themes throughout the year, along with other ways to celebrate being in double digits (that was always […]
Living in Italy with Food Allergies
Life in Italia This is my second year living in Italy with food allergies, and I am finding that this year is a significantly different experience for me as an Allergic Reactor. Between living alone, having no close friends return for another year and trying to make new friends, I […]
Eating Gelato By Myself with Food Allergies
A few days ago I went out on my own without any friend or roommate to enjoy a new eating experience. I was craving some gelato on a beautiful, warm and sunny day, with no friends around. I walked down to my neighborhood gelateria. I gave the woman my allergy […]